Climate, temperatures and weather in Saint-Faustin

The best time to go to Saint-Faustin

Average temperatures range from 69°F (january) to 172°F (july). The rainiest months are: september, october and july. We recommende the month of june, july, august, september, to visit Saint-Faustin.

OUR OPINION  best timebest timebest timeunfavorable timerecommended timerecommended timeunfavorable timebest time

Temperatures Saint-Faustin

Jan Feb March April May June Jul August Sept Oct nov. dec.
Min temperature12°26°37°48°50°48°42°32°23°
Max temperature21°26°37°51°66°75°78°77°69°55°41°26°




Weather Saint-Faustin

légende météo

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The weather month by month in Saint-Faustin

Weather Saint-Faustin in January

0 to 21°
Sea: 32 °

11 d/month
8 d/month
5 d/month
3 d/month
3 d/month
1 day

In January, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from -18 to -6 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 83 inches, for 19 days without rain.

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Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in February

0 to 26°
Sea: 32 °

10 d/month
8 d/month
4 d/month
3 d/month
3 d/month

In February, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from -18 to -3 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 56 inches, for 21 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in March

12 to 37°
Sea: 32 °

8 d/month
7 d/month
6 d/month
5 d/month
3 d/month
2 d/month

In March, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from -11 to 3 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 83 inches, for 21 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in April

26 to 51°
Sea: 32 °

8 d/month
5 d/month
5 d/month
4 d/month
3 d/month
3 d/month
2 d/month

In April, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from -3 to 11 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 75 inches, for 19 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in May

37 to 66°
Sea: 32 °

11 d/month
6 d/month
6 d/month
4 d/month
2 d/month
1 day
1 day

In May, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from 3 to 19 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cool. The daily rainfall is around 90 inches, there are 18 days without rain in the month.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in June

48 to 75°
Sea: 32 °

9 d/month
6 d/month
6 d/month
5 d/month
2 d/month
2 d/month

In June, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from 9 to 24 degrees. Rainfall in June: 91 inches, for about 19 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in July

50 to 78°
Sea: 32 °

13 d/month
7 d/month
4 d/month
4 d/month
2 d/month
1 day

In July, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from 10 to 26 degrees. Temperatures are hot. Rainfall in July: 106 inches, for about 20 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in August

48 to 77°
Sea: 32 °

12 d/month
8 d/month
4 d/month
4 d/month
2 d/month
1 day

In August, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from 9 to 25 degrees. Rainfall in August: 98 inches, for about 19 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in September

42 to 69°
Sea: 32 °

12 d/month
5 d/month
4 d/month
4 d/month
3 d/month
2 d/month

In September, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from 6 to 21 degrees. Temperatures are low but with a lot of sunshine. The average rainfall is around 99 inches, 22 days without rain in September

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in October

32 to 55°
Sea: 32 °

8 d/month
6 d/month
6 d/month
4 d/month
3 d/month
3 d/month
1 day

In October, in Saint-Faustin, Minimum temperatures vary between 0 in the morning and 13 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 100 inches, for 20 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in November

23 to 41°
Sea: 32 °

8 d/month
7 d/month
5 d/month
4 d/month
3 d/month
2 d/month
1 day

In November, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from -5 to 5 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 96 inches, for 23 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Weather Saint-Faustin in December

6 to 26°
Sea: 32 °

9 d/month
9 d/month
4 d/month
4 d/month
3 d/month
1 day
1 day

In December, in Saint-Faustin, temperatures range from -14 to -3 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 89 inches, for 20 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day

Influx of tourists