Climate, temperatures and weather in Retreat
The best time to go to Retreat
Average temperatures range from 39°F (august) to 89°F (). Sea temperature ranges from 82°F to 91°F. The rainiest months are: october, march and may. We recommende the month of to visit Retreat.
Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | Jul | August | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Temperatures Retreat
Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | Jul | August | Sept | Oct | nov. | dec. | |
Min temperature | 23° | 12° | 1° | -4° | -7° | -9° | -13° | -14° | -13° | -4° | 12° | 23° |
Max temperature | 30° | 19° | 12° | 6° | 5° | 3° | 0° | -4° | -2° | 5° | 19° | 30° |
Sea temperature | 30° | 30° | 30° | 30° | 30° | 30° | 30° | 33° | 33° | 30° | 28° | 28° |
Weather Retreat
Check the weather history over the last 5 years. Weather history
The weather month by month in Retreat
Weather Retreat in January
Sea: 30 °
11 d/month | 8 d/month | 5 d/month | 5 d/month | 2 d/month |
In January, in Retreat, temperatures range from -5 to -1 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 6 inches, for 26 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in February
Sea: 30 °
9 d/month | 8 d/month | 4 d/month | 4 d/month | 3 d/month |
In February, in Retreat, temperatures range from -11 to -7 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 12 inches, for 27 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in March
Sea: 30 °
9 d/month | 8 d/month | 7 d/month | 4 d/month | 3 d/month |
In March, in Retreat, temperatures range from -17 to -11 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 18 inches, for 27 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in April
Sea: 30 °
9 d/month | 8 d/month | 8 d/month | 3 d/month | 2 d/month |
In April, in Retreat, temperatures range from -20 to -14 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 6 inches, for 28 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in May
Sea: 30 °
10 d/month | 7 d/month | 7 d/month | 5 d/month | 2 d/month |
In May, in Retreat, temperatures range from -22 to -15 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 18 inches, for 26 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in June
Sea: 30 °
9 d/month | 8 d/month | 6 d/month | 4 d/month | 3 d/month |
In June, in Retreat, temperatures range from -23 to -16 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 3 inches, for 27 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in July
Sea: 30 °
10 d/month | 9 d/month | 6 d/month | 3 d/month | 3 d/month |
In July, in Retreat, temperatures range from -25 to -18 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 6 inches, for 28 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in August
Sea: 33 °
10 d/month | 7 d/month | 6 d/month | 5 d/month | 3 d/month |
In August, in Retreat, temperatures range from -26 to -20 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 9 inches, for 26 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in September
Sea: 33 °
11 d/month | 9 d/month | 5 d/month | 3 d/month | 2 d/month |
In September, in Retreat, temperatures range from -25 to -19 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 3 inches, for 29 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in October
Sea: 30 °
9 d/month | 8 d/month | 7 d/month | 4 d/month | 3 d/month |
In October, in Retreat, temperatures range from -20 to -15 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 15 inches, for 27 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in November
Sea: 28 °
12 d/month | 10 d/month | 4 d/month | 3 d/month | 1 day |
In November, in Retreat, temperatures range from -11 to -7 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 6 inches, for 28 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Retreat in December
Sea: 28 °
12 d/month | 9 d/month | 4 d/month | 4 d/month | 2 d/month |
In December, in Retreat, temperatures range from -5 to -1 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 6 inches, for 27 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Temperature and climate in:
Retreat, Point |